first, i'm the eldest. and i already graduated form High School in the year of 2008. and 2009 i'm the first person who leave the house. because i've to go to Sydney to continue my study as a pilot. 1 year jugak laa ddk Sydney. and now rumah tue tggl 7 org.
and the following year 2009, my second younger brother pulak graduate from High School. Amir. and 2010 he's the second person who leave the house. dia continue study at GMI Bangi. actually dekat jea dgn rumah. but still dia tgglkn rumah kan. and now tggl 6 org jea. tggl laa abah mama didit yana amzar and eha. plus bibik. haha :)
by 2011 pulak Didit habis sekolah. and now dia kerja. which means selalu laa takde kat rumah kan. and soon dia pun will leave the house coz now he's waiting for his SPM results. and after dapat results of course he will continue his study. tak tao lagi kat mana. and now Yana pulak sekarang sambung belajar kat sekolah asrama. at Melaka i guess. continue her form 4. this is her wish nak pindah sekolah and masuk sekolah asrama since dulu lagi kan. so her wish comes true.
arghhh makin lama makin sikit org tggl kat rumah. sumpah. mesti rumahh sunyi jea. kalau dulu penuh dgn ktowg. and now huhhhhh like really ........... (entah laa). sekarang tggl abah mama amzar and eha jea. plus bibik. and aku dgr cerita bibik aku pun nak balik Indonesia dah. lagi laaa. hadoiiii. but for awhile only laa. cuti. haha :)
seriously, laen gila dah sekarang. sedih jugak kot if pikir psl bnde nie. semua dah makin jauh dahh. thts why laa, if ade celebration or cuti panjang ke, mesti ktowg like gather balik. pergi holiday ke. or buat aktiviti family. like makan makan ke etc.
seriosly i miss the old moments. time kecik kecik dulu. only i know why this moments is very important for me.
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