Monday, January 10, 2011

poningg kepala den !

damnn, today punyer class. hmmm dahh laa ngantokk. smlm layann kideyy smpai pukul 2pg. and then have to wake up at 0630. hmm sumpahh dtg class pun ngantokk jea. plus todayy ade examm for meteorology. that exam is fokingg easyyy. copy copy answers kan. mmg laa senang. HAHA :) sumpahh pass laa. HAHA :)

and today dpt results exam for instrument. and the results is extremelyy bad doe. i got 46% only. HAHA :) study gitu gitu jea, mmg laa. serve your right. and the instructor who taught us that subject was fucking pissed off withh us. out of 19, only 1 person passed. and the rest failed. HAHA :) including me laaa. hehe.

and the last subject td, Flight Planning. woahhhhh, sumpahhh class yg plg kelakarr. coz the instructor comel gilakk kott. HAHA :) dgn perot besarrr and pipi tembamm. kalo senyumm. alalalalaa. HAHA :) and subjest nie memeningkan kepala. sumpahh aku lost gilakk td. taktao ape kejadahh dia ckp kat depann. hmm adoii. poning kepala denn kalo cmnie jea terus. HAHA :)

okayy laa guys, aku ade ltk picture dlm class todayy. time nie before instructor masukk class. so bosan bosann tangkap gamba dulu. HAHA :)

from left : AIMAN, KIDEY and HAZIQ