Saturday, April 03, 2010

siapa aimansamsul :D

hi guys. saya aiman smasul. or kowgg bolehh pggl aiman popularr. okayy laa. ramai owgg tnye, mcm mane bolehh dpt popularr tue. aimann punn taktao laa nakk ckp cmner. bnde tue dtg sndr. tag popular tue myb kwn2 aimnn yg bg. so smpai sekarangg terlekat dgn nama popularr tue. HAHA :D ramai jugakk yg tnye aimann, popularr sgt ke.? tht thing idk okayy. fans aku yg tao. HAHA :D perasannyer.

okayy laa. aimn nakk cerita serba serbi psl diri aimn. aimann lahir pada 11 April 1991. anakk sulung drpd 6 adik beradikk. maknanyer 8 owg dlm 1 keluarga. ilove my family a lot. they are my sumber inspiration and my strength. without themm i'm nothingg. so cabarann sebagai anakk sulungg nie mmg bnykk. i've to be the example to my siblings. i've to be good and i've to take care of my family. fuhh it's not easyy okayy. but luckly, i've a supportive and understanding family. so everythingg yg aku bwat sumenyer mcm senangg jea. HAHA :D

yess aku simple jea. dgn aku, kalo kowgg okayy ngann aku, ngamm ngann aku, bolehh masukk satu pale, so okay laa. kepada yg takk okayy tue, sorry laa. aku takk bolehh nakk bg muka kat kowgg. so pegi mam***. haha. i'm quite a cool person. easy goingg and talkative to ppl yg satu kepala ngann aku laa. HAHA :D those days, i use to have a lot of friends. ktowgg da mcm satu familyy. we use to hangout together. spending time together, share our stories, gossips etc. but now, everything changes. ktowg dahh berpisahh. masing2 bawakk haluann masing2. cume yg kita boleh bwat sekarangg adalahh chattingg jea. susahh nakk jmpe. lebih2 lagi aku yg ada kat negara owgg sekarangg. hmmmm :(

i guess tht's it laa yea. if kowgg nakk tao psl aku lagikk. just ask me at formspring. kat situ, kowgg tnye laa soalann ape ape kowgg nakk. aiman akann try jwb soalann kowgg yerkk.

so this is my fs;

see you thre. bye. take it easyy. have a nice dayy guys. bye.

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